Saturday, July 16, 2011

AUBADE Magazine Issue 5

Aubade Magazine - Issue 5 July 2011

Aubade magazine issues 5 has been published and from the looks of the preview, it promises to be another excellent journal for contemporary photography, painting and creative writing. For Chris Turner, its creator, editor and designer Aubade is a labor of love and with each new issue his editorial eye is becoming more refined in it's vision.
My gratitude and thanks go to Chris for his faith and continued interest in my own work and I am proud to have had images published in all five issues to date. The latest issue includes a photograph from Middlesbrough Kentucky, an image I made on my most recent road trip from New York City to Kansas, which, I was delighted to discover, chosen for this months cover. Thank you Chris and keep up the good work - Aubabe magazine is a very special thing.
Aubade issue 5 and it's back issues can be ordered and previewed at Magcloud's website here:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Topeka's First Zombie Walk for Hunger.

On Friday was Topeka's First Zombie Walk for Hunger. Being a huge fan of director George A Romero's 'Dead' movies, I have naturally also become a fan of these these great fun 'real life' events. Over the last couple of years I have attended the Kansas City Zombie walks, (who organized this one), which have always been a great success and raised much needed funds to feed the homeless and hungry in the KC metropolitan area. I have always enjoyed making photographs at these Zombie Walks and the images I have always attempted to capture have not strictly been journalistic, but instead more symbolic in nature and some of the images I have made have become important elements in a few of my past photographic projects.

More images from these events can be seen as a photo-feature at 'Get the Picture's website: